Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Audience

How do you conjure up an audience when you're doing your Blog postings?  Is your audience the teacher? Fellow students? Yourself? The blogosphere? The field of composition in general?  How do you know what kind of language to use? What kind of background knowledge to assume? In other words, how do you "invent" your audience?

This whole blogging thing sort of throws me for a loop. I think I struggle with it a little because I don't know who my audience is.  I'm not sure if the blogosphere existed during my undergraduate years, so writing class assignments with it in mind is pretty new to me. I don't actually think that random people on the internet read my composition theory blog.  However, a subtle awareness that this is going online does play into how I invent my audience, I think. (How strange and unnecessary is that, I wonder??)  

To my classmates, I feel that I am more of an anonymous, fellow composition theory blogger here, than I am when I see them in class. They are my audience, but in a very different way than they would be if we were exchanging hard paper copies of our writing.  

I think that most of the time, what I write here does not get read regularly or in detail, despite how public it is for all to see. This is a fun contradiction, but I still don't know who my audience is, or how I invent it in this space.  

I look forward to further exploring this topic so that I can gain a greater awareness of how I invent my own audience, and more clearly answer this question! 

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