Tuesday, May 8, 2012

15 Take-Aways From English 700

1. Good writing is flexible. Blocked writers are attached to rigid rules.

2. Writing is a form of thinking. We don't have to know what we think before we sit down to write.

3. The writing process is not linear.

4. Students should be explicitly taught about the writing process and all its recursive possibilities. Pre-write-->draft-->revise doesn't always get people very far.

5. What makes writing good? It depends. Are you evaluating the work based on formal, rhetorical, mimetic or expressive theories?

6. When assigning and then assessing student writing, be theoretically consistent. Don't give a prompt which calls for personal, expressive writing, and then mark the writing down for not being "memetic."

7. Personal, expressive writing can be a good first step toward academic discourse...

8. ...But, we don't need to decide if FYC should focus more on expressive or academic writing. A variety of factors unique to each situation should be taken into consideration before making that decision.

9. Many students entering college are also entering new discourse communities. We must be thoughtful about how we initiate students into into this new community.

10. For some students, the requirement to write academically in Standard American English raises issues of identity. This issue should also be handled thoughtfully.

11. English departments and Composition departments don't always get along.

12. Richard Raymond really seems to know how to teach students how to do literature-based research projects.

13. Nobody seems to agree on how FYC can actually prepare students to write in other areas of the university.

14. Maybe a writing studies course is the answer to the question above.

15. There are many conflicting theories to consider when designing a composition course.

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